C# .NET Interview Questions

1. What is C#?

C# is an object oriented, type safe and managed language that is compiled by .Net framework to generate Microsoft Intermediate Language.

2) What is a class ?

A class a template.

3) What is an Object

an object is an instance of a class.

4) What are the Access Modifiers in C# ?

Public – When a method or attribute is defined as Public, it can be accessed from any code in the project. For example, in the above Class “Employee” getName() and setName() are public. Private - When a method or attribute is defined as Private, It can be accessed by any code within the containing class only. For example, in the above Class “Employee” attributes name and salary can be accessed within the Class Employee Only. If an attribute or class is defined without access modifiers, it's default access modifier will be private. Protected - When attribute and methods are defined as protected, it can be accessed by any method in the inherited classes and any method within the same class. The protected access modifier cannot be applied to classes and interfaces. Methods and fields in a interface can't be declared protected. Internal – If an attribute or method is defined as Internal, access is restricted to classes within the current project assembly. Protected Internal – If an attribute or method is defined as Protected Internal, access is restricted to classes within the current project assembly and types derived from the containing class.

5) Explain Static Members in C# ?

If an attribute's value had to be same across all the instances of the same class, the static keyword is used. For example, if the Minimum salary should be set for all employees in the employee class, use the following code. private static double MinSalary = 30000;

7) Define Property in C# ?

Properties are a type of class member, that are exposed to the outside world as a pair of Methods. For example, for the static field Minsalary, we will Create a property as shown below.

8) Explain Overloading in C# ?

When methods are created with the same name, but with different signature its called overloading. For example, WriteLine method in console class is an example of overloading. In the first instance, it takes one variable. In the second instance, “WriteLine” method takes two variable.